Is it possible to resist varicose veins and the measures to be taken, if it is become to appear, Sputnik discovered a specialist.
The emergence of the venous of the image on the feet many of us consider almost as a rule.

Varicose veins is a disease or a consequence of the charges? How dangerous it is? Let's look at from the point of view of the physiology of the body.
More common in europeans
The varicose disease has been known since the time of Egypt. He tried to treat Hippocrates and Avicenna.
Now this disease is endemic in a large part of the economically active population. And reason are often non-physiological working conditions.
The blood flow of the lower limbs that occurs in the veins: deep, located in the thickness of the muscles, and the subcutaneous passage in the subcutaneous fat fibre. Deep and superficial venous system of the legs are connected to each other by the veins. The concept of the function of the structure of the veins of the lower limbs have valves that direct the flow of blood is strictly to the heart, preventing the reflux of blood toward the bottom. The valves in the veins, allow you to circulate the blood from the saphenous veins deep and prevent its return. Venous valves on the feet distributed unevenly. More on the tibia, the lower on the thigh.
It is interesting that the varicose vein condition often strikes people with the white color of the skin. The reason lies in the number of valves. The representatives of the negroid and Mongoloid races number of valves is several times more than in caucasians.
If the dam will spill
What does the blood in the veins up to the heart? First of all, the contractions of the muscles of the foot, the leg and hip, as well as the reduction of the diaphragm, and partly in a heart beat. During each movement of the contraction of the muscles that express the blood from the veins and grow to the heart. It is believed that the muscles of the tibia – the second heart of the body, because when the market, they play an important role.
The laws of movement of fluids in the body do not differ from the laws of the circulation of the liquid in the nature.
If on the path of the river, you receive an obstacle (dam), and below obstacles of the river begins to grow (spread). The same thing occurs in the body. If vienna on the way to the heart, somewhere a pinch, this is not pumped, the excess volume of blood extends lower veins, which disrupts the function of the valves (they are closed) and only the general blood circulation. The veins begin to grow.
Varicose veins (varicose veins) is considered as the expansion of the saphenous veins. If talking about your feet, you, a man, vienna must not protrude above the level of the skin.
There are two approaches to solve the problem:
- treat the inconsistency venous valves, sealed, or to remove the superficial veins;
- eliminate the cause of the contraction or tightening of vienna on the way to the heart.

The blood of the lower limb ascend in the veins leading into the inferior vena cava, which was then found in the right atrium.
On this long path, there are a number of obstacles, where the vienna (venous pole) may be tapered, creating an increase in pressure in the lower parts.
If problems occur in the large intestine (department of the cecum), and then because of the anatomy of the first vein start swelling to the left leg (this zvonochek), it is therefore necessary to closely monitor the bowel movement and avoid constipation.
The rate of the chair-man must be everyday, in the morning. It is important to keep a good eating behavior.
What you need to know about varicose veins in women
Childbirth in women weaken the pelvic floor muscles, which can in turn put pressure on the veins.
The first bell of the weakness of the pelvic floor is the appearance of the screen in the area of the ankle. Very effective exercises for strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor, for example, Kegel exercises.
Inflammation of the ovary, or adhesive disease are both cause and consequence of the varicose disease. The venous blood is full of toxins and carbon dioxide, and stagnation is always an increase in the concentration of these same toxins, which lead to the inflammation and changes of tissue, so that all the organs in the pelvis, are in the risk zone. Stasis of venous blood in a small basin which is the cause of sterility, impotence and hemorrhoids.
The reason for the stagnation of the blood in the basin can become a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work. That is why the movement during the day or mundane tasks during the time of work – a vital necessity.
The hormones of the woman, the receipt of contraception leads to chronic venous insufficiency.
How not to hurt me?
The state and the anatomical position of the liver play a role in the prevention (if it is healthy), either in the case (if there is a gap) of varicose veins.
Like vienna, from the lower limbs to the right atrium, passes under the liver, any increase in the liver or its reversal in relation to its axis can cause compression of the vein and the increased pressure on the venous departments, causing varicose veins.

Grado-abdominal opening sensitive to the psycho-emotional state of the person. Any negative emotion (fear, anger, irritation) causes the release of hormones adrenalin and cortisol, which cause, in turn, muscle spasms, clamp skylight venous pole.
If one considers that upset us during the day more than once and not two, then of the health of the nervous system has a great importance in the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.
Injuries in the lumbar muscle weakness, square lumbar can form a bad functioning of the venous pump (purge the blood to the top thanks to the inspiration and expiration). This will form the stagnation, the increase in pressure on the veins and therefore a dilation of the veins.
Wearing tight clothes and shoes is also conducive to the compression of the superficial veins and an obstacle to the circulation of the blood.
Very dangerous sedentary pose with the upturned foot on the leg. When this posture is not only clamps down vienna on his knees the hole, but disturbed the position of the pelvic organs.
Keep the process under control
To identify and solve many of the problems will help you to search tools – ULTRASOUND, x-ray dye, and others.
The state of the blood directly affects the varicose veins. Dense and viscous the blood is still very difficult to push upwards, against the force of gravity of the Earth. This causes wear and tear of the blood vessels, venous valves and the formation of blood clots. It is a very dangerous state, because the thrombus arrach, hit easy or the heart, can lead to a quick death, and sometimes the doctors simply don't have the time to emergency assistance.
Old uncontrolled varicose veins can lead to thrombophlebitis, because of the insufficient venous blood rich in toxins and can cause inflammation of the inner surface (epithelial sidewalk) of vienna.
It is important to keep varicose veins under control – once that vienna is the maximum extends up to return it to its original state will be impossible. Except that the remove. But it should be understood that in the body there is nothing superfluous: the volume of blood at a distance of vienna is redistributed on the, increasing the load on them.

In no symptoms to see a doctor?
The first signs of distress are swelling of the leg and the foot, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, displayed when you make a prolonged stay in a sitting or standing position. These symptoms disappear or significantly decreases the walk and after a night of rest.
If you ignore these manifestations, with the time appears to be arching pain in the calves, sensation of heat in the legs and night cramps in the calves. Occur and external changes. On the hips and legs appear smaller blue-red astrisques", through the skin are beginning to filter veins with a diameter of 2 mm, and, finally, the most important manifestation of the disease – varicose veins.
To this day, there are two methods for the treatment of varicose veins: surgical and conservative.
At a conservative treatment at the maximum eliminated the factors that have led to the varicose veins. The truth about the situation strongly affects the genetic predisposition is there, as it is said, one can fight only with the consequences.
How to support the organization?
It is necessary to respect the zones, drinking control. The water is taken up by servings: often and in small portions. Excluded from the food, which can cause thirst, constipation, and atherosclerosis. Completely rule out of mild, so that the sugar leads to the glycation of the red blood cells and thrombosis, of the flour of the flour, because it leads to gas.

Must be of physical activity (swimming, nordic walking) and daily exercises for the feet. But the active sport of bodybuilding is not appropriate.
In the event of varicose veins it is necessary to wear a compression garment or overlaying bandages. It is very important to bint when the stretching does not change its shape, and the layering of bandages begins necessarily with the foot, grasping the heel.
On the recommendation of the doctor needs to take medicine venotonic.
Also now very popular, the sclerotherapy and the correction laser. Very effective pneumo-massage, if it is pursued in foreign exchange.
In dealing with the prevention or the treatment of varicose veins, pay attention to yourself and to the symptoms which, perhaps for the first time, bother you. Remember that the vein – the part of the body, they are the guides of life in our wonderful body. Be in good health!