Spider veins of the legs known to mankind since a very long time: this diagnosis is made to their patients still "the fathers of modern medicine, Hippocrates, Galen and Paracelsus. But the most common of the disease has received in the twentieth century and into the twenty-first it continues to conquer new positions: according to the World health organization, of our days, the symptoms of the pathology, to a certain extent has 66% of men and over 80% of women living in the developed countries. The predominance quota female on the male is explained by the fact that nature has entrusted the weaker sex responsibilities to feed and the birth of children, and the dependency of the beautiful half of humanity to the stylish high heel shoes. Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins of the lower limbs can relieve the state, without having to resort to complex surgery.

Why you need to treat the spider veins
Varicose veins – a disease of people of standing of the professions: sellers, hairdressers, workers in the aid of a machine, surgeons and all professionals whose functions require long-term static load on the lower limbs. It is under conditions of static load are weakened venous valves, the regulation of the influx and reflux of blood in this region of the body. As a result, the blood stagnates in the veins and thickens by stretching and by deforming the wall of the blood vessels to create conditions for the appearance of varicose veins.
The process develops slowly, and at first the sick person believes that he does not have varicose veins on the legs, if he does not notice in him of strong edema and stakeholders under the skin bumpy tyazhey. But this situation is characteristic only for the terminal phase, when the only way for restoration of the sight of the lower limb is a surgical scalpel. However, the main risk of varicose veins is not that your feet hurt, swell and lose their attractiveness, as covering of gnarled blood vessels, producing above the surface of the skin.
Causing the flow of blood circulation, varicose veins cause of blood clots in the vessels of the legs dense clots composed of red blood cells (red blood cells). Over the clots of blood circulate throughout the body, entering the lungs, the heart, the brain by blocking the vessels that supply their blood, and leading to thromboembolic vascular occlusion of the lumen, which may become difficult of the pathology:
- Myocardial infarction – the wasting of the tissues of the heart muscle due to a lack of blood supply;
- Stroke cerebral acute ischemic, causing the death of brain cells;
- Gangrene – tissue necrosis.
One of the diseases described above, to effect at least a heavy handicap and the maximum is to the fatal outcome. Therefore, run the varicosities may in no case.
Ask your doctor for the patient at the onset of the first signs of the disease:
- The fatigue of the legs;
- Drawing pain in the legs, especially at the end of the day, or after a physical effort;
- Ants – barracuda as if "n'";
- The small vascular veins and "starlets", acting on the surface of the skin of the feet;
- Cramping of leg muscles (usually at night);
- Swelling of the legs.

With time, measurements are taken of the modern methods of treatment of varicose veins on the legs help to prevent the progression of the disease and reverse the process. Now, you can do it without resorting to a high-a traumatic surgical operation, which, previously, were the only way to solve the problem. The doctors know a multitude of procedures for treatment of varicose veins, capable to provide the patient with the possibility of a return to a normal life.
The means of treatment of varicose veins
Often, the patients developed a form of varicose vessels of the legs, especially women, fear of the operation and remaining after scars, delaying a doctor visit until the last possibility, bring the situation to the extreme. However, medicine, like all other knowledge of the industry is constantly changing, and the daughters and granddaughters do not have to fear that the varicosities they are treated as mothers and grandmothers. The experts have invented a multitude of therapeutic – bezoperatsionnaya or so-called minimally invasive, that is to say, not requiring surgical intervention. Among them, the greatest popularity of procedures such as:
- Sclerotherapy;
- The laser treatment;
- Radiofrequency ablation of blood vessels venous;
- Microphlebectomy.
On each of these methods of treatment of varicose veins of the modern methods of need insistir following.
If the proceedings are conducted on the stage of varicose veins, when surprised to see the superficial veins, but are not affected by the deepest, the medication, called a sclerosant, is introduced to the interior affected by varicose veins of vienna. This is done using a syringe or a micro-catheter – a slender duct with a diameter less than the cross-section of a human hair, which the doctor pierce the skin at the location where it is visible is affected varicose veins of the container. The holding of a manipulation does not cause unpleasant sensations, sometimes accompanied by the sense of easy burning. Sclerosant glue it to the wall of the vein from the inside, out of his circulatory system, as a result, it shrinks as it dries, decreases, and ceases to disturb the patient, to disappear from the surface of the skin. Therefore, when you use the method that is not only therapeutic, but the cosmetic effect.

The procedure lasts about half an hour, during which the doctor makes a few injection into a vein by the puncture on the skin. Usually, a treatment by the method of sclerotherapy is not more than three of these procedures, but sometimes, focusing on the state of the patient, the physician decides to increase their number. From one to the other, the visit to the doctor should spend at least a week.
Before the visit to the doctor, the patient should take a shower and in a period of 2 days before and 2 days after to satisfy certain constraints to guarantee the success of this method:
- Do not smoke and do not drink alcohol;
- Denied accommodation-thinning medications;
- Don't make hair removal and do not apply to cosmetics for the skin;
- Do not come in the cabinet of hunger – eat a half-hour before the start of the procedure.
The complications resulting from the method of sclerotherapy generally does not occur, but sometimes we can observe:
- The itching at the site of injection, which subsides after 2 hours after the injection;
- The pain can last up to three days;
- The peeling of skin stops after 10 to 12 days.
It is extremely rare (1 case out of a thousand, there may occur an inflammation of the vein thrombophlebitis.
At the end of the processing of this method, you need to:
- During the week of avoid, reinforced by loads on the feet.
- Two weeks of do not take a hot bath and a shower;
- A year and a half-two months not to go to the bathroom;
- Do not sit or stand for long periods of time.
It is important!
The procedure of sclerotherapy are required to undertake a professional doctor, if you need to ask for help only in hospitals. At the end of this course should be taken medical for a month.
Laser therapy – another contemporary of the method of treatment of varicose veins without operation. Among its advantages we can mention the following:
- Treatment of varicose veins laser requires no incisions and leaves no trace on the surface of the skin of the feet;
- While the process takes place almost without pain quite shallow local anesthesia;
- The procedure takes only a few minutes;
- The recovery of the patient after a bloody operation going on very quickly.

This device generates a radiation at wavelengths, which, passing into the venous blood, clears the heat and "seals" sick tray inside. As a result, it is eliminated from the blood flow and the vascularity of the tissues, followed by deep veins and collateral – side of small vessels. By taking the burden of work, they begin to develop beyond a few days reach the size of a dial of a ship.
The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia by injection into a vein through a puncture in the skin of the legs in the laser light guide on the end of which a lens microscopic to the dispersion of the beam uniform of coagulation (sealing) of vienna. The manipulation takes place within a period of 30 minutes, after which the patient can return to a normal life.
Contra-indications to the use of the treatment of varicose veins laser method are pregnancy and breastfeeding. The procedure is contraindicated during exacerbation of concomitant diseases, the propensity for the formation of blood clots, inflammation of the skin in the area of laser application, the bottom of the coagulation.
Radiofrequency ablation
This method of surgical treatment of varicose veins of the lower limbs began to apply relatively recently – there are about ten years old. He has received a wide dissemination in the UNITED states and the countries of Western Europe, in Russia, same method, hit, three years ago, and until that applies only rarely. The main reason is the high cost of the equipment necessary for the realization of the investigation and the therapy.

This procedure gives a nice effect in the treatment of varicose veins on the legs. She appreciates that the doctors and the patients. The method is very similar to a laser through an incision on the skin, the doctor inserts the patient into the lumen of the vessel rf wave guide, which seals receptacle by radiation of radio waves. Eliminated from the blood circulation of vienna, with the time is replaced by connective tissue. Contra-indication, beyond those which are indicated for the laser treatment, is the existence of a patient of the atherosclerosis and expressed the degree of obesity.
On the positive side, the use of the method relative to an operation by a regular when the varicose veins in the legs are the following:
- Much less sympathy arrangements negative feelings in the patient.
- Resistant efficiency – the positive effect of the method is preserved for several years.
- The low likelihood of complications according to the statistics, they come in only three patients out of a hundred, passed to the procedure.
It is important! Has a very great importance of the experience of the doctor in charge of the handling of this method. The patient is recommended to pay particular attention to this side of the question before undergoing a treatment.
This is another modern mini-invasive procedure, which represents the micro-surgical operation, during which the doctor removes the diseased vessel under the skin through a microscopic incision using a hook. On hit, varicose veins of the plot is cut off, but in good health sewn.
After the operation on the patient's skin will remain very small scars, which isn't even visible to the naked eye. Sometimes, on the place of the cup appears hematoma disappears within a period of two weeks. During the recovery phase (1-2 months – time depends on the number of operated veins), the patient must wear a compression garment, and in the future, avoid physical exercises. In the remaining patient who had undergone an operation, can lead their way of life.
Provided in a timely manner to seek help, modern medicine offers many ways to treat varicose veins on the legs, allowing to solve this problem with a minimum of damage to the patient. Make the right choice of the method will help the patient to the treating physician after an investigation.